Money Rebellion Newsletter

XR's Money Rebellion
6 min readMar 9, 2021


Issue 1

What is Money Rebellion, exactly?

Money Rebellion is a multi-pronged, COVID-proof, sustained campaign targeting the political economy via

1. Financial civil disobedience — debt and tax strikes and the threat of them.

2. Digital Rebellion — simple actions organised online, such as phone line jamming or mass targeting campaigns of a single institution

3. Street protest (small action groups vs. mass mobilisations) — subvertising/stickering/defacing actions (, leafleting, branch occupations and disruptions, and (washable) graffiti and/or fake oil

courtesy of Climate Compass

What does Money Rebellion want?


XR Money Rebellion’s demands are that governments, banks, and other political, economic and financial institutions:

Tell the truth: our political economy skews priorities and incentivises harm; it is hard-wired to create crises and destroy life. We need to set differences aside and confront why we have failed to act.

Act now to stop financing and enabling destruction, fully disclose their social, climate and ecological impacts, and reorientate their purpose to minimise harm, repair damage, and prepare for crises.

Champion Citizens’ Assemblies at all key levels, including global, with legally-binding mandates to design a regenerative political economy in service to all people and life on earth.

Current Discussions


With all that’s in the news about ‘left-wing extremism’, Priti Patel having ordered Lord Walney to investigate XR & BLM, and sweeping new restrictions and harsh punishments designed to constrain democracy’s essential freedom of nonviolent protest, our own Gail Bradbrook had some thoughts to share on the topic at Oxford’s Forum for Questioning ‘Extremism’.

UK Budget 2021

One of our Rebels had a strong response for Rishi Sunak and the UK Government’s announcement of a UK Budget that utterly fails to address the climate crisis.

Actions Updates

Repair Harm Barclays Bank Action with Dr. Sarah Benn

Barclays Repair Harm

Barclays is the largest UK financier of fossil fuels and industrial animal agriculture. Rebels join us by applying for/using a Barclays credit card. We are donating money to Survival International and other organisations as reparations on behalf of Barclays Bank, and inviting them (via letters/videos) to write off the debts we incur.

Repair Harm Press Release

Repair Harm Open Letter to Barclays from Extinction Rebellion & Animal Rebellion Rebels

Repair Harm Sample Letter to Barclays

Dr. Sarah Benn’s Letter Inviting Barclays to Cancel

Earth Tax Pledge

A pledge to stand up for Earth by revoking permission for our taxes to be misused by funding abuse in our name against our future. Some may wish to divert that percent of tax the government uses to fund climate and biodviersity destruction toward better, restorative entities.

Earth Tax Pledge ‘Dear Tax Inspector’ Letter

Small Business Rebellion

For small business owners or the self-employed who are willing to divert £5 of one or more of their business taxes into an escrow account to invest into a green recovery.


Over 250 people have signed up with to take part in actions against private fossil-fuel banks across ten nations, and is an ever-growing international action.

Redecorated HSBC Bank, Bath, UK

Sign up for free UK stickers here!

Sounds great! How do I get involved?

Let us know how you’d like to participate via our Action Network form.

If you know you’d like to organise with us, check out some of the roles available on the XR UK Volunteer Jobs Board (just enter ‘Money Rebellion’ in the search box).

And please feel free to join us at one (or all) of the events below!

Money Rebellion Talk

Wed, 10 March, 7:30–9:00 PM GMT

Register in advance for Zoom link.

The Money Rebellion talk tells the truth about our toxic economy.

We are not going to solve the climate and ecological crisis unless we solve the problem that created it in the first place — our toxic economic system.

The Money Rebellion talk reveals the myths that govern our lives: Growth is progress. Greed is good. Time is money. Wealth is health. More is better. Everyone is responsible.

We need to confront these lies, expose them and commit to actions that will help build a sustainable, regenerative economy.

Come and find out how!

Facebook Event | Instagram Post | Tweet

Money Rebellion Legal Training

Wed, 17 March, 6:00–7:30 PM GMT

Register in advance for Zoom link

Feeling uncertain about the legal consequences of tax or debt strikes?

Want guidance with where you could choose to end your strike to stay within your own comfort level?

Want to take more spicy action but worried about the repercussions?

This is the place for you!

We’ll take you through all the legal consequences of Money Rebellion’s actions: from tax and debt strikes to oil spills and other ‘sticky business’.

Facebook Event | Instagram Post | Tweet

Global Money Rebellion Wave

April 1 — ‘Save the Date’

Join the Global Rebellion Telegram broadcast/chat for updates.

Join us for a globally aligned rebellion wave targeting the financial pillar of power. On this day local & affinity groups across the world are invited to participate in escalative actions targeting banks and financial institutions.

You can take part in this global wave wherever you are. Consult this Action Pack to find some action ideas and aligned messaging to inspire you.

The people united, will never be defeated.

Facebook Event | Instagram Post | Tweet

Money Rebellion Welcome Meeting

Every Tuesday, 6:00–7:00 PM GMT

Register in advance for Zoom link.

Curious to know what Money Rebellion is all about?

Want to learn about our financial, digital, and on-the-street actions?

Thinking of taking action with us?

Want to start a Money Rebellion in your own area?

Considering joining our team and helping us organise?

This meeting is for you!

If you live in a country where this time doesn’t work well for your Rebels, please don’t hesitate to contact to set up a Money Rebellion Welcome Meeting that’s more convenient to your time zone.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Facebook Event | Instagram Post | Tweet



XR's Money Rebellion
XR's Money Rebellion

Written by XR's Money Rebellion

The political economy is preventing action on the climate crisis, so #MoneyRebellion is the fight for our lives through creative disobedience. #ItsKillingUs

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